Saturday, June 4, 2011


Hello, again. I haven't been on here in a while because I haven't had much to say. I have felt a little more at peace lately. Less upset about this TTC business and less upset about the stress of my job. I am just trying to appreciate the things in life that make me happy and trust that we will add a child to our family someday soon. Thus, here is what I am thankful for...

I am thankful for my pets! This is Chester, a "mutt" we got from the humane society almost 3 years ago. He is 6-8 years old (don't know for sure). He enjoys laying around and the occasional walk around the dog park.

This is my cat Ajax. I got her before my husband moved in together/got married. I was living on my own in an apartment. I already had one other cat. This was probably 6 years ago. She is about 8-9 years old now. I also got her from the humane society. She enjoys eating... and eating.

This my other cat Maxi. She is old and cranky. I got her when I was 11 years old. That was 18 years ago, so she is about 19 years old now. She is still alive and kicking, very healthy! She enjoys sleeping and the occasional cuddle.
I am also very thankful for romance novels! They are just so much fun to read! And yes, I even read in the bathroom. :)
I am thankful for being able to sew and make quilts. I am new to quilting, but I really enjoy it and it relaxes me. I am glad I have my own little sewing table (thanks to my in-laws) so that I don't have to clutter my kitchen table with all this stuff.
I am thankful for naps. I took a 3-4 hour nap today on the couch. It was so nice!
I very much appreciate my flowers! We planted them on my birthday and they are looking very nice. It really brightens my day when I get home after work and see them. Double impatiens are gorgeous. I highly recommend planting them!
I am thankful for movies! My husband and I are spending the weekend getting caught up on the new releases. We are also excited about the summer blockbusters coming out in theaters. We saw X-Men: First Class with friends last night. Good movie!

I am thankful that I seem to have no fertility issues. I think I just ovulated on CD 17, so I am crossing my fingers that this is our lucky month!    My BBT chart

Finally, I am thankful for my husband. He is so understanding and sweet, and I love him lots! He also makes dinner for me. Tonight, he cooked salmon on the grill. Delicious!


  1. It's so fun to take a moment and think about these silly little things that make everyday wonderful. :o)

    Your pets are so cute! Your older cat looks younger than your younger cat, to me!

    I wish I liked salmon. Fish always LOOKS so appetizing to me, but I can't get myself to enjoy it. Maybe someday!

  2. It's almost vacation time!!! Hooray!

  3. Yep. I am so excited! Have fun on your trip! With teaching and all this TTC business, you definitely deserve it! :)
