Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I heard the heartbeat!!!

Yesterday, I had my first appointment. Both my husband and I were feeling crummy on our way there. He was feeling crummy because work that day was super stressful. I was feeling crummy because my cat's health keeps going downhill, and I might have to make the decision as to whether or not to "put her down".

Anyways, we sit in the waiting room a LONG time waiting for the NP to come in. She finally comes in and says something, "Oh, it's so nice to see you two again! Is this baby number 2 then?" We then tell/remind her that the first pregnancy (3 months ago) ended in a miscarriage. She says something about how it did seem like she just saw us and that must be why. She then goes into the usual pregnancy information. She asks me if I would like to hear the heartbeat. I say "no" right away because I was worried that it would be a repeat of the last appointment for my last pregnancy. Last time, she moved her wand around for a long time and could not find the heartbeat. Plus, I know that not everyone can hear the heartbeat at 8w5d and that doesn't mean anything is necessarily wrong. I was thinking I just wanted to wait until the ultrasound. She was surprised I said "no", but then keeps talking. As she talks, I think some more and decide that I would KICK myself if I didn't take this chance to see that everything is OK.

She gets me up on the table and starts moving the wand around. I am very calm, telling myself that it's not a big deal if she can't find it. After 1-2 minutes of moving the wand around, BAM! I instantly recognize a heartbeat that is too fast to be my own. 150 bpm! I start crying and I can hear my husband let out a gasp, so I know he is crying too. He recorded the sound on his phone. I love hearing the heartbeat!

I am not a religious person at all, but I am so thankful for this little miracle! Even though I am still worried about my cat, I feel more at peace knowing that at least my baby is OK.

Also, my first ultrasound appointment is August 1. Can't wait! :)


  1. That's awesome I am so glad you got to hear the heart beat! I can't wait till next week when I get to hear ours for the first time even though I have seen it there is nothing like hearing it. I am so sorry about your cat I hope things turn around :-(

  2. Thank you. I feel as I gain a baby, I am losing another one (my 19 year-old "baby" cat). I guess everything happens for a reason.

  3. Hello.. I came across your blog somehow and just wanted to say congrats on your pregnancy and I look forward to following your journey..

    Really sorry to hear about your cat :(
