Monday, May 16, 2011

The Getting-My-Hopes-Up Weekend (Had a good bday though)

I made a big mistake this weekend. I held a baby.

OK. Let's go backwards. I actually had a pretty nice weekend, even though I was kind of depressed about what happened at work last week. On Saturday, I went to my brother's Special Olympics track meet. He got first in the 200 m dash and second in the 100 m dash. I was so proud of him, and he was so happy! Afterwards, my husband and I went to my aunt's house for my cousin's graduation party. I got to see a few of my aunts and uncles and cousins I hardly ever see anymore. I also met my newest second cousin (my cousin's cousin). What a cute baby! I couldn't help myself. I held him for a half-hour and made a fool out of myself just to make this kid crack a smile. He was really sweet. Almost too sweet because it got me thinking about TTC and hoping that I was pregnant but just didn't know it yet. Later that night, my husband and I were both really tired, but we went to see Bridesmaids because I didn't know when I would be able to see it otherwise. It was really funny. (Highly recommend it.)

Then yesterday was my birthday. My mother-in-law and father-in law came over. My MIL helped me plant flowers and my FIL helped my husband fix our patio. They also brought over a new patio set for my bday and a bigger grill for my husband's bday (an early present). Anyways, it was a really nice day.

Unfortunately, last night when I should have been in bed, I was obsessing over my bbt chart, trying to see some pattern that showed I was pregnant (at 9 DPO). I think I got my hopes up because when I woke up this morning and saw that my temp had dropped quite a bit from yesterday, I was really bummed out. I really hope I am not out this month. I was stupid and got my hopes up. I am sick of waiting. That's all I ever seem to do. We had to wait a whole year to get pregnant last time. Can't we get pregnant quick THIS TIME?

Well, I should go. I got work today and don't want to be late. I am going to make myself leave on time this week. Because last week was so horrible (maybe I'll tell you about that some time), if I work too many extra hours this week I will probably go insane.

At least, I got one thing to look forward to... Cruise! :)

Have a nice week, everyone!


  1. Oh the baby holding. Dh's cousin has a 4 month old and her husband hands him off to me constantly. He can probably see me drooling over this cutie-pie and figures he'll get it over with! LOL. The sucker peed on me through his diaper but I loved every moment of it. Oh... wow on Family Guy at this moment, she's taking a pregnancy test.... you can't get away from it! LOL

  2. Yes, I am also starting to read pregnancy announcements from celebrities that are due around my due date. They are even starting to show! That's even harder for me than other baby/pregnancy stuff in general.
